Chitosan in biocompatible fuel cells
During the workshop Mikro-Nano-Integration of the Society of Microelectronics, Micro- and precisions engineering everything centered on the optimization and advancement of filigree structures. From their point of view, nano-particles are a future technology. As functional material they can trump with several properties like for example considerably better properties for a better price than conventional materials.
The desire to substitue current imcompatible and harmful sources of energy of single-use micro systems by biocompatible energy sources was the incentive for advancemtent for the Stuttgart researchers.
In the fuel cell a chitosan membran is inserted. To this chitosan-membran enzymes for the metabolism and carbon nanotubes are added. The nano-particles support the electrical conductance in the chitosan-membran, they augment the reactive surface and bind the necessary enzymes. According to the scientists the chitosan-membran ameliorates the transport of the electrons at the electrodes significantly.
Other news in research with chitosan and chitosan derivative you can find in our news area.
Recent findings are presented in our rubric Chitin and Chitosan News.
Chitosan also forms nanoparticles. We offer Chitosan Oligosaccharide with a molecular weight of around 1000-5000 Da. In our Shop you can order this chitosan oligomer in different package sizes. The measurement of the molecular weight can be ordererd additionally.
You need assistance or you want your own chitosan to be measured? Please do not hesitate to contact our
Source: Readers Edition