Industrial Research

You need a chitosan or chitosan derivative for your medicinal product or drug or You are doing industrial research and development? Our products are particularly suitable for your work!
Should you need any assistance for your projects we will be happy to answer your questions about application possibilities for chitin, chitosan or its derivatives. Our products and services are geared to your requirements:
- Standardised production processes guarantee a consistent product quality (batch to batch consitencey) throughout the years - Made in Germany-, so you can rely on your products from development to final product.
- HMC works according to international standards and is ISO 9001 and ISO 13485 certified.
- The production and anaylsis are done with state of the art equipment and validated methods
HMC+ offers you the following benefits regarding chitin, chitosan and chitosan derivatives:
Specialised product lines in accordance to application areas:
- Chitoscience®: non pharmaceutical and academic research and development
- Chitoceuticals®: for medical devices and pharmaceutical research and development as well as production
- Standard: chemicals and analyses in compliance with pharmaceutical demands
- GMP compliant: produced and documented in the clean room according to GMP guidelines
We are offering more than 100 different Chitosan types and chitosan dericvatives. Small to large quantities are available.
Our standard ranges are chitosans with an Degree of deacetylation of 70 %, 75 %, 80 %, 85 %, 90 % oder 95% and with Viscosities of 5 / 10 / 20 / 50 / 100 / 200 / 500 / 1000 / 1500 / 2000 / 2500 und 3000 mPas.
Solution-driven Service:
- Custom manufacturing
- Product-related developments
- R & D cooperations
- Up-Scaling of syntheses of specific customers derivatives from laboratory to production scale
- Consulting
- Workshops
Save your precious ressources with HMC+!
What will be your next steps?
- Download the specifications of our products.
- In our chitin and chitosan shop you can order small quantities from 20 - 500 g.
- You can read more about our chitosan products or about latest findings in our news area.
- Our
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. is available for any assistance of your chitosan questions.
We are looking forward to receiving your mail. Cooperation proposals are always welcome.