Heppe Medical Chitosan at Euchis 2009

From Mai 23 to Mai 26 the 9th EUCHIS will take place in Venice. Every other year the European Chitin Society offers the opportunity to researchers and companies to present their latest research results and application-developments related to chitin and chitosan. Heppe Medical Chitosan GmbH will be there, too. Participants should register before February 27.
The EUCHIS 2009 will take place on the unique sight of San Servolo Island – a space for international encounter and scientific exchange. The same objectives are pursued by the organising committee Franco Rusticchelli, Polytechnic University of Marche (Italy), Carla Caramella, University of Pavia (Italy), Sevda Senel, Hacettepe University (Turkey) and Kjell Morten Varum, Norwegian Biopolymer Lab (Norway). The main ambition is to create a platform for interaction between representatives of research, development and business.
Topics waiting for you at EUCHIS 2009
EUCHIS 2009 gives opportunities to research institutions and companies to present their latest results, conclusions and application-developments related to chitin and chitosan. In so doing new synergy-potentials might be identified and ideas for further or new developments generated. Traditionally the conference covers a broad range of topics to show the diversity of applications of the resources chitin and chitosan. Topics will be:
- Physico-chemical characteristics
- Enzymatic
- Chitooligosaccharide
- Biomedical applications
- Food, Textile and diverse applications
Be part of it, too! Meet us at the EUCHIS 2009! If you want to enrich the convention with your own paper, poster, oral presentation or you want to come, please remember these deadlines:
- Submission of abstracts: February 19, 2009
- Advance registration: March 27, 2009
- Manuscript due: April 27, 2009
- You can also register on site Mai 23 2009, of course.
The Heppe Medical Chitosan GmbH is looking forward to meeting you at the EUCHIS 2009!
You are looking for more information on Heppe Medical Chitosan GmbH, please click here.
An overview of products and services offered are you getting here.
You want to order Chitosan, Chitosanderivates or Chitosanoligomers, here you will get to our Shop.